Friday, May 13, 2011


Today is Friday, but I'm not happy that it's the weekend. Not only is today Friday the 13th, but I was peed on this a.m. and vomited on 4 times. Wowzers, what a great day I'm having. *rolls eyes*

On top of all today's events, it's the last weekday I get to spend at home with my pretty little princess Olivia. Monday I start work and I just don't know how to feel about it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very grateful that God allowed me to obtain the internship so that I can get the experience and graduate with my master's. But I already miss my sweet baby girl just thinking about working 40 hours a week. She means the world to me, and my life just won't be the same without spending all day every day with her. There's something about that big toothless grin and the way she pulls off my glasses to touch my face that I fell in love with. Nevertheless, I must go to work and finish this degree so that I can make the best life for her.

Lord, please give me the comfort and strength to go to work Monday.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

4 month stats

My lil Baby O is getting bigger and smarter by the day. She had her 4 month checkup on April 19, and she impressed the doctor with her jumping skills and her ability to pull up to a sitting position from lying flat on her back.

Here were her stats on 4/19:
Weight: 11lbs 15oz (16th %)
Height: 23.5in (she shrunk or the lady didn't measure her correctly last time)
Head circumference: 16 inches (50th %)

Baby O just loves jumping, especially in her paw paw's arms. I think he's her favorite person although she doesn't get to see him or my mom often because they live 4 hours away. We spent Easter with them and Livy enjoyed every second of it. She loved the attention she got from all of my family and she loved seeing the new faces at church. But her paw paw made her trip the most worthwhile. They spent most of their time laughing at each other. She never laughs that hard with mommy lol.

Nowadays my little one spends most of her time jumping in her Bright Starts Activity Jumper, making loud cat sounds, trying to roll over (she rolled completely over from back to belly twice at 4:30 am at then end of March), biting Glowy, fighting Tate, gnawing on her fingers, playing with her feet, and kicking mommy and daddy. She also started solids: a little oatmeal cereal, bananas, and peas (as of today). I also introduced her to a sippy cup today. She likes holding it and biting the spout. I don't think she cares for sipping it yet because she kept making her stinky face whenever water would come out lol.

I'll leave you all with some of her 4 month pictures.